“Love God, Love People,
Serve Our World”
Serve Our World”
Hope is a growing contemporary, lively, relevant and friendly church and is here to reach and influence Edinburgh and the Lothians by building a big hearted, Christ-centred, Bible- based church, changing mindsets and empowering people to lead and impact in every sphere of life.
Our church seeks to be a contemporary, relevant 21st century church that is passionate about our community and our nation.
We believe in the local church as God’s vehicle to reach our world with a message of grace, hope, truth and love.
We believe everyone should experience the journey of connecting with God and His church, experiencing the faith, hope & love which can positively affect every area of our lives.
“We believe that church is a 24/7 lifestyle,
because people are the church.”
because people are the church.”
We are convinced that the local church is God’s plan A for us all, and a great environment for
a range of events and activities to support a 24/7 lifestyle.
a range of events and activities to support a 24/7 lifestyle.

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